What is it that attracts us about a mosaic? The play of light on a multitude of colorful surfaces? Its strong physicality, staking a claim on its little bit of the material world that we, in this moment, share with it? The patterns, both random and designed?

We can’t escape the fact that we live in a broken world. In our corner of Camden, with its cracked streets, sagging houses and broken trust, we sometimes feel it acutely. But the solace and challenge of art—mosaic art in particular—is how it brings beauty from brokenness.

vox has parlayed his own experience, unique and universal, into a collection of beauties that invite us into a conversation about what we make of it all. Come and see for yourself.  Join us at the opening reception for “In Other Words”, Sunday, May 22 from 3 to 5.

About the artist

vox describes himself as an artist in the distressing disguise of a remodeling contractor. He has been creating mosaics for the last 20 years. His last exhibition was at the Cornerstone gallery in Palmyra in 2008. His public work can be seen at the Camden Fire Department administrative building on 3rd and Federal Streets and at the Discovery House in Hammonton, NJ.

vox brings a playful spirit to his art expressing with colored glass, his vision of truth and beauty while mirrors invite you in and ask, “What do you think?”